A New Car Buying Experience with Hyundai and Amazon

17 Posted: 17th Nov 2023
A New Car Buying Experience with Hyundai and Amazon

Buying a car online may seem like a normal thing nowadays but what about buying a car from Amazon? A new partnership between online giant retailer and technology geniuses Hyundai has been confirmed for US customers.

  • Starting next year, customers in the US will be able to purchase a car from Amazon for the first time and it comes as no surprise considering you can pretty much buy anything from their site. Amazon has officially announced that retailers will be able to offer cars purchased through their marketplace.

    Customers could previously browse available vehicles and showrooms but not press that purchase button. The change next year will allow Hyundai retailers to place vehicles for sale on the site, meaning customers can add a car straight to their basket with no hassle. You can currently only buy vehicle tools, parts and accessories on the e-commerce platform.

  • Most importantly the end seller of the car will still be the retailers and Amazon will be the middleman between the retailers and customers. This new feature is part of Amazon's bigger plan. The company has hopes that it will eventually be able to offer digital showrooms for certain brands and even price comparison tools.

    As an addition to the deal, Hyundai will be able to use the voice of Amazon’s AI assistant Alexa starting in 2025 as well as AWS (Amazon Web Solutions.)

  • This new project means that Amazon and Hyundai bring together a new automotive shopping experience where familiarity and practicality still involves local retailers.

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